Crisis Development

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Crisis Development


  1. The Three-Stage Model is used to help explain crisis development. Choose three crises that have made national news and provide examples for each crisis that might fall into the first stage.

    Your response must be at least 250 words in length.

  2. Please ensure the following textbook is used in the answer: Sellnow, T. L., & Seeger, M. W. (2013). Theorizing crisis communication. London, England: Wiley-Blackwell.
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Crisis Development

Pre-crisis is the first stage of the three-stage model. The stage covers the emergence of a threat which presents uncertainties that become pre-critical once they interact with other elements of a system (Sellnow & Seeger 2013). Among the recent disasters which fall under this stage include the possibility of a world war, the refugee crisis caused by Syria and the threat of an Ebola outbreak in Central Africa.


Even if the world has managed to avoid another conflict between major powers for decades, recent actions by the major powers point to the possibility of a war. China continues to increase its powers, including military and political influence around the world. On the other hand, Russia recently rejected international order, increasing the tension surrounding world peace. In addition to this, North Korea under its president Kim Jong UN continues to stack up to its nuclear weapons presenting a threat to world peace, (Sellnow & Seeger 2013).


The situation in Syria has led to the displacement of millions of individuals from the country, creating a global refugee crisis. Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan are the main countries where the refugees have settled. As a result, the increased population continues to put pressure on the host countries health and educational services, among others, creating a looming medical and social crisis. In turn, the countries are struggling to financially accommodate this sudden increase in population, stretching their budgets to a point that it places their economies at risk.


Ebola is currently one of the most complicated humanitarian crises facing the world. The threat is further augmented by the recent fighting in Central Africa, making it difficult to contain the deadly virus, (Sellnow & Seeger 2013).  A recent outbreak killed in August 2018 killed 271 people out of the 458 infected. However, with the current fighting, containing an outbreak would be more difficult, placing the health of the world at risk.


ow, Timothy L., and Matthew W. Seeger. Theorizing crisis communication. Vol. 4. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.