Development of Child Minding Business: Activity Planning

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Recruitment Process for Child Practitioner
June 20, 2022

Development of Child Minding Business: Activity Planning

Unit Two

Part One – Documentation for a child minding business

Clear documentation is essential, as it is an area that receives inspection from Ofsted. Ofsted is the independent regulatory body for schools (including child care providers delivering the early years foundation stage curriculum) that reports directly to the government.

The documentation you need for a child minding business are as follows:

  • Criminal records bureau check (CRB)- this will check a person for any criminal records or convictions that may be held against their name. CRB is the first piece of documentation that should be filed in the documentation toolkit. A CRB check is necessary for any adult that will be caring for children within the childcare setting.
  • Child record form- this provides a snapshot of crucial information relating to the child being cared for and will be the first form accessed in the case of an emergency. This form should include, child’s name, D.O.B, address, parent/carers address and contact details, child’s doctors names and contact details, 2 emergency contacts, medical history, immunisations, allergies, dietary requirements, medical conditions, religion (if appropriate) and any other relevant information.
  • Child information record book- this is an essential piece of documentary evidence required by Ofsted, it documents daily the various activities a child has carried out, food they have eaten, number of nappies changes (if applicable) and any other relevant information relating to the child that occurs during the day. The book is usually taken home daily or weekly by the parent so they can see what activities their child has been engaging in during the day and what learning has taken place. The record book can also act as a means of communication for non-urgent items between the parent and child care provider.
  • Childcare agreement forms- this provides the contract between the parent and the childcare provider. The child care agreement sets out essential information such as the child’s contact details, parent/guardian information, start date, hours and days the child will be attending, details of collection from the setting and fee information (including any retainer fees that may be payable).
  • Accident record and incident forms- the accident form gives a detailed account off the accident that has occurred, where it happened, names of any adults who witnessed the accident, type of first aid that was given at the time (if applicable), this should also include the date, name and signature of the person who completed the form. It should also contain a section for the child’s parent to sign to confirm that they have read the report and are aware of the accident. The incident form is very similar to the accident form, it is used to give details of anything that may result in the child becoming upset and distressed ex, a child may be playing with a family cat and be scratched. The incident form is to be completed and signed the same as the accident form and read and signed by the parent.


  • Existing injuries form- an existing injuries form is used to document any injuries, (bruise or cut) which a child may arrive with. Both the childcare provider and the parent should sign the form. These could be completed in the setting before the session starts or issued to parents in advanced.
  • Fire and safety form- this is used to give details if the correct evacuation process from the setting in case of a fire breaking out. All children being cared for should be regularly exposed to a practice fire drill the dates of the drill and children involved should be documented, dated and signed in the fire safety form.
  • Vehicle records and parent permission to travel in a vehicle- this form should contain information regarding registered and insured vehicles that are to be used for the purpose of childcare. These vehicles should have appropriate insurance cover and documentation about who is insured and registered to dive the children around. As well as the vehicle record, it is necessary to obtain a signed form from a parent giving permission for their child to be transported in their childcare provision registered vehicles. This could be for regular trips t a playgroup, the park or an organised outing.
  • Prescription and non-prescription medical record card- this can either be incorporated into the child’s record or detailed separately. It should contain information on prescription and non-prescription medicines the child may need administered by the childcare provider. It should detail the name of the drug, dose and frequency it should be administered. The childcare provision should obtain written permission from the parent for each drug to be given to their child. Each time it is administered it should be recorded in the form. This procedure should also be carried out for non-prescription medication that a child requires, as agreed with the parent. The parent should also detail under what circumstances the medication should be given.