Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998?

Explain services not available in your state that might be beneficial for LGBT Victims.
September 19, 2019
Discuss Societal Belief Systems.
September 19, 2019

Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998?

Question Description

It is no secret that our nation and our public conversation about LGBT matters has changed in the last, not only 100 years, but more drastically in the last 20 years. This latest generation of kids have grown up in the most accepting and diverse American culture to date with respect to LGBT individuals, their families, and the issues they stand for.

This week we watched the dramatized version of The Laramie Project. A play that was written to expose and relay the stories and horrific events of that day that happened to Mathew Shepard. As mentioned before, this is a play that is performed all over the United States. This play, like so many other plays that deal with LGBT themes and issues have been coming more and more to the fray of our national and public conversation. We have seen the rise of gay and lesbian characters in all of our entertainment including TV, film, and of course the Theatre. We see how the last 20 years of LGBT pointed entertainment has shaped the political discourse of our nations power brokers. We are changing laws and shaping society to a far greater degree in even the last 5 years so as to tackle the discrimination against this particular group. Gay marriages are now legal all over the states and those that would decry the LGBT lifestyle as something to be covered or shunned for cultural or religious reasons are now beginning to be seen as radical and out of touch where just 10-15 years ago those same voices held the majority of political power in our nation. How far we have come from even prop 8 in California that would have made sure it remain illegal for same sex marriage in the state. In 2008 it was passed by the voters. It was made null and void when the supreme court made same sex marriage legal in all 50 states in 2015.

The waves of change are boundless and can be seen almost daily as we here more reports of judges, states, and the federal government ending discrimination all over the nation.

Here is the question(s) I have……

In light of the play you have now watched, the articles you have read, your research and your own general awareness and knowledge of the state of our national discourse with respect to LGBT issues:

Do you feel that it has been a positive 15 to 20 years for Gay and Lesbian issues, their families and the way we feel about them?

Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998? Why or why not?

How and why do you believe we have changed so quickly in our society toward the LGBT community?

Have you seen any change in your own life with how you feel or behave toward Gay and Lesbian individuals?

Would you watch a play or view a film or television that highlights LGBT themes and values? Why or why not?



First Student to respond:

1. I feel that it has been a positive 15 to 20 years for the LGBT people and their families because of the many laws that have been passed by the government and also voted by people that are aimed at making the whole issue normal. Many states have legalized same-sex relationships and marriage which means that LGBT people are getting accepted to the community more and more.

2. According to the play Laramie Project, Shepard was tied to a fence, beaten and left unconscious for being suspected to be gay. In current America, gay people have their rights, and this implies that the country has moved positively in accommodating every citizen.

3. We have changed so quickly as a community because of realizing that the sexual orientation of an individual is tied to the person and it’s a choice. The country has learned to respect other people’s choices.

4. In my own life, I have changed with the ever-changing society on LGBT people. I have come to accept many and am friends with some gay people. It only needed a change in the mindset to have everything changed.

5. I would watch a piece of media that highlights LGBT themes and values. This is because it is just normal like any other film and the themes or values touch on people whom we love and share with in many ways.

Second student:

Do you feel that it has been a positive 15 to 20 years for Gay and Lesbian issues, their families and the way we feel about them?

Yes, I feel that it has been a positive 15 to 20 years for Gay and Lesbian issues, their families and the way we feel about them. It is now more common to hear about Gay and Lesbian issues than before and, when we do hear about these issues, many more people today are supportive of them than before. Gay and Lesbian people still face a lot of discrimination, however, and many Gay and Lesbian people fear coming out, angering their parents, and perhaps being kicked out of the home. When these events do occur, however, they usually make the news, which may prevent some families from taking this drastic and wrong step. Overall, in the last 15 to 20 years, people have change how they think about, feel toward, and treat Gay and Lesbian people, which is definitely a positive.

Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998? Why or why not?

Yes, I believe that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998. Although most people do not want to harm or kill Gay and Lesbian people, when society does not take a forceful stand against violence against Gay and Lesbian people, then some people will inevitably feel like they can perpetuate violence without consequences. Now, hate-crime laws make it clear that this is no longer the case. I still believe, however, that we need to do more to protect Gay and Lesbian individuals. For example, not to long ago, the Supreme Court ruled that a baker did not have to make a cake for a Gay couple, which I found reprehensible and discriminatory.

How and why do you believe we have changed so quickly in our society toward the LGBT community?

I believe that society has changed regarding the value that they place on the lives of LGBT people as well as in the ways that are used to protect these people. A few years ago, Gay and Lesbian individuals were not allowed to even marry; now, they can marry across the United States and have many other rights, too. I think that we have change so quickly in our society because we realize that if the country is to become more inclusive then we must work to bring in all people. I also think that younger people are exercising more of their political power, which has helped the country progress.

Have you seen any change in your own life with how you feel or behave toward Gay and Lesbian individuals?

When I was younger, I remember speaking crudely about Gay and Lesbian individuals. If a friend of mine was displayed weakness, for example, or just did something silly, I would often refer to him as “gay.” Although I was not alone in how I spoke and felt about Gay and Lesbian individuals, I never took any concrete actions that would hurt Gay or Lesbian people. However, I do regret how I spoke when I was younger, though I also recognize that I was not completely informed and was thinking in the developmental stage of my life. Now that I am older and more mature, I think much more before I speak.

Would you watch a play or view a film or television that highlights LGBT themes and values? Why or why not?

Yes, I would watch a play or view a film or television show that highlights LGBT themes and values. I want to learn more about the community and I know that I cannot if I do not actively engage with LGBT themes and values. Additionally, plays, films, and television shows are a great way to learn about other people since plot-lines are often diverse and the information presented is often presented in an interesting and informative way.