Explain services not available in your state that might be beneficial for LGBT Victims.

From a historical perspective, what were the critical turning points in the struggle of gay men and women to make progress within the U.S. Military?
September 19, 2019
Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998?
September 19, 2019

Explain services not available in your state that might be beneficial for LGBT Victims.

Question Description

Write a letter to your governor or local lawmakers, articulating the needs and services for victims to policy makers in such a way that they can and will develop a plan of action to make modern victim services a reality. You can use real life examples of victim’s sufferings, a cost benefit model, or both, but your letter should make a convincing case on behalf of victims.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Explain the services currently available in your state (Virginia) for the victim you selected in the Discussion.
  • Explain services not available in your state that might be beneficial for the victim, or recommend revisions or enhancements to existing services.
  • Using the sample provided, create a letter to the governor of your state or local lawmakers explaining what services should be available and explain why.