Does the blogger appear to be sponsored by any companies? is there information regarding sponsorship?

The Politics of Negotiating Public Tragedy: Media Framing of the Matthew Shepard Murder. Rhetoric & Public Affairs.
July 1, 2019
Explain how you might use this tool as a manager in your current organization or in the future, as well as the potential challenges or limitations you see in using the feed forward technique.
July 1, 2019

Does the blogger appear to be sponsored by any companies? is there information regarding sponsorship?

Find an example of a blog that interest you
– describe the blog
– are these advertisements on the blog?
– does the blogger appear to be sponsored by any companies? is there information regarding sponsorship?
– write a brief report of your observations. for instance, is this something you would typically notice? do these types of adverstisements/sponsorships influence your buying behavior?