Evaluate the ethical and legal concerns for nurses

Building a Comprehensive Health History
January 13, 2023
Sources of Professional Direction
January 13, 2023

Evaluate the ethical and legal concerns for nurses


End of Life

Unit Outcome:

  1. Evaluate the ethical and legal concerns for nurses working in settings where they care for patients at end-of-life.

Discussion Description:

As nurses, our main goals are to care, educate, and heal. Caring for a patient on palliative care partially changes these goals.

Discussion Directions:

A. Review the attachment of palliative care orders (Links to an external site.)

B. Answer the following questions by Thursday at 11:59PM. Your answer will be supported with references to demonstrate your understanding of the topic. Your posting should be at least 3-4 paragraphs in order to demonstrate your brief expertise of the topic.

C. Include one peer-reviewed reference to support your information.

D. Provide a peer-reviewed reference to support your response to each classmate.

  1. Discuss why there may be a level of discomfort for a new nurse when administering the amount of drugs possibly required for patient comfort in palliative care.