Explain what is meant by “Greenwashing” and what is meant by “Pinkwashing.”

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June 26, 2019
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June 26, 2019

Explain what is meant by “Greenwashing” and what is meant by “Pinkwashing.”


Explain what is meant by “Greenwashing” and what is meant by “Pinkwashing.” What is the differences and what are the similarities between these two strategies? Based on the authors listed below, explain the possibilities and limitations of these strategies as agents for social change. To what extent do you view the two strategies as good PR for the businesses involved, and why?

Here’s the reading:
Robert Cox, Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere, chapter 10: Green Marketing and Corporate Campaigns (Sage, Third edition 2013), 283-313.


Mara Einstein, “Cause Marketing and the Rise of Value-Based Brands: Exploiting Compassion in the Pursuit of Profits, In Matthew P. McAllister and Emily West, The Routledge Companion to Advertising and Promotional Culture (New York and London: Routledge: 2015), 373-385.


Sarah Mart and Norman Giesbrecht, “Red flags on pinkwashed drinks: contradictions and dangers in marketing alcohol to prevent cancer,” Addiction, 2015 Oct, 110(10), 1541-8

*Please answer ALL the questions from the prompt by using the examples from the reading materials