Prоvide Criticаl Analysis of Types of Arguments

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Prоvide Criticаl Analysis of Types of Arguments

Prоvide сriticаl analysis of types of arguments article makes (not all some)
-roughly diagram articles arguments to analyze all the arguments as fully as you can by uncovering argument
schemes and/or fallacies, and choose the schemes/fallacies you want to write a paper about
-Specify what scheme/fallacy article is based on
-Make connection to argument styles
-Incorporate principles of argument, either followed in article or violated
-Incorporate ARS conditions (acceptability, relevance, sufficiency)
-Develop thesis (tie together analysis)
-Uncover biases
-choose and be quite specific about what paper addresses ( essay about arguments with irrelevant premises (e.g. appeal to popularity and two-
wrongs reasoning), and how they show an arguer violating the fallibility principle.)
-MLA format
-double spaced
-12 font (times new roman)
– 1 inch margins
-Only source from the article You should be citing the article
when you summarize a part of it, and you should be citing sources of the course concepts you
use (e.g. Groarke & Tindale, Battersby, etc.).
-Those writers above created the concepts you will be using so cite them as if you’ve read the actual course content
– Absolutely no outside sources besides the names provided and the article
– This is the article you will be writing about: