Given what you have learned this semester, make the case for why the Bible should or should not be taught to American school students before they graduate high school

If dealing with portraiture, do the sculptures seem to convey personality? If so, how?
July 29, 2019
Write some historical remarks regarding: (i) the invention of paper and (ii) the discovery of printing in Asia.
July 29, 2019

Given what you have learned this semester, make the case for why the Bible should or should not be taught to American school students before they graduate high school

NAME:___ John ______________________ April 24, 2019 Final Exam Be brief but answer fully. Spelling and grammar affect the grade. Part A: 30 points- Identify the following briefly, beginning with the chapter and verse in which the term is found in the Bible 1) 2) Garden of Eden 3) Who was supposed to be a helper or help-mate in the second creation story? 4) Hagar 5) Stubborn and Rebellious son 6) Eliezer 7) Rape of Dinah 8) The Twelve Tribes 9) Burning Bush 10) Rahab (A female personality- also: Rachav) 11) Battle of Jericho 12) Barak 13) Gospels (chapter/verse not needed) 14) Daughters of Zelophchad 15) Tabernacle (Portable Temple) 16) 12 Spies Part B: 40 points-Answer the following BRIEFLY always including at least one citation: 1) Which Old Testament story we read suggests that the Bible cannot tolerate racism. 2) What is the potential political (or current Israel/Palestine) issue regarding the Cave of Machpelah (also: Cave of the Matriarchs and Patriarchs), as it relates to the story we studied in Genesis? 3) Give five laws from the Torah that still apply today in American Law 4) Why was Samuel upset when King Saul returned with King Agag in chains? Part C: 30 points- Short Essay 1) Describe with citations the most beautiful or uplifting sections of the Bible we have studied and the most depressing. Two of each is sufficient. Indicate why you found them either uplifting or depressing. 2) Given what you have learned this semester, make the case for why the Bible should or should not be taught to American school students before they graduate high school. 3) Summarize three Old Testament cases where a woman saved the day Part D: What grade do you expect in this course? Please take into account attendance and participation which is 30% of the grade.