Write some historical remarks regarding: (i) the invention of paper and (ii) the discovery of printing in Asia.

Given what you have learned this semester, make the case for why the Bible should or should not be taught to American school students before they graduate high school
July 29, 2019
compare and contrast the views of Plato and Karl Marx on who should govern.
July 29, 2019

Write some historical remarks regarding: (i) the invention of paper and (ii) the discovery of printing in Asia.

“Marks, Symbols, Pictures, or Letters drawn or written upon a surface or substrate became a graphic counterpart of the spoken word or unspoken thought”. (Meggs’ History of Graphic Design, page 6). Answer the following questions: a) Discuss some of the earliest human markings dating from the early Paleolithic to the Neolithic period (35,000 to 4,000 BCE). b) Discuss with reference to TWO different cultures, some of the earliest written records in the form of pictographic drawings that we know of. c) Write some historical remarks regarding: (i) the invention of paper and (ii) the discovery of printing in Asia. Each section needs to be 500 words each per explanation and it needs to have references in MLA format with in-text citations. Papyrus http://www.oxfordreference.com.ezproxy.umuc.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780195300826.001.0001/ac ref-9780195300826-e-0738 Cave of Forgotten Dreams https://redice.tv/news/cave-of-forgotten-dreams-30-000-year-old-paleolithic-art-in-3d Ptolemaic: Rosetta Stone https://content.umuc.edu/file/4f0003c1-66ce-4447-b0f4048527d7568a/1/Ptolemaic%20Rosetta%20Stone.html The Premechanical Age https://tcf.ua.edu/Classes/Jbutler/T389/ITHistoryOutline.htm Hieroglyphics http://www.ancientegyptianfacts.com/ancient-egyptian-hieroglyphics.html The History and Art of Chinese Paper Making https://www.ibookbinding.com/documentaries/the-history-and-art-of-chinese-paper-makingdocumentary/ The Origin of Writing http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/writingorigin.htm Neolithic Art https://www.thoughtco.com/neolithic-art-history-183413 The Invention of Paper http://www.ipst.gatech.edu/amp/collection/museum_invention_paper.htm Cuneiform Tablet https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/329081?high=on&rpp=30&pg=1&rndkey=2015020 9&ft=*&who=Sumerian&pos=2&imgno=0&tabname=label Short History of Asia’s Influence on Type and Painting http://elationpress.com/resources/short-history-of-asias-influence-on-type-and-printing/