How would you describe your values and how do they connect to where you are from?

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How would you describe your values and how do they connect to where you are from?

Instructіons: You must submit а wеll-constructed essаy of 2,000 words (+/-10%) on the following: Drawing on concrete examрles from your engagement with at least 75% of the module’s Lead Events and Discussion Grouрs, reflect on how your understanding of the following has changed:

– The diverse perspectives you have encountered (D1)

– The impact you have on others and the environments you occupy (D2)

– Your own preferences for learning and how you can develop yourself in the future (D3) You should draw from the material you have written in your journal entries, but this should be reworked in relation to the formative feedback you receive from your facilitator. Your writing should primarily draw on experiences within the module but can also link to external reference points which relate to the module’s learning outcomes. You are also welcome to consider how your learning on this module impacts your studies within your own discipline. Guide Questions To help you develop your writing, the following questions might help:

• How would you describe your values and how do they connect to where you are from?

• How do you see other students in your group being guided by their cultures and their values?

• What world events are important to you, and how can you learn more about them?

• What do you want to achieve in the future and what learning will help get you there?

• How can our resources (such as academic skills, careers guidance and student support) help you to achieve your goals?