Is the United States a failed democracy?

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Is the United States a failed democracy?

The prompt is: “We are, for all intents and purposes, a failed democracy. Over the past two centuries we have managed to put more and more power into the hands of a few people at the top — a Congress dominated by a handful of party leaders, a White House occupied by power-obsessed leaders and technocrats, and a legal system run by a handful of justices who are out of touch. It is time for a change.”

Is the US a failed democracy? Have our major government institutions become a vehicle for an elitist “rule by the few over the many”? If so, can and how can we get back on the path toward democracy?

The rubric is: Content and Organization: Does the essay present a clearly started thesis that addresses the topic and reflects a demonstrated understanding of the issues raised by assigned topic? Is the presentation of the essay organized in a coherent fashion allowing the reader to follow the logic of the argument from the established thesis to the conclusion? The best essays are structured so that the opening paragraph clearly articulates the issue and offers a coherent statement of the thesis that will be the subject of the essay. The paragraphs that follow should reflect a clear presentation of the arguments supporting the thesis, and a final paragraph or section should review what had been presented. (100 points)

Conventions/Mechanics of Writing: Is the essay free of errors related to spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization and other “mechanics” of writing? Is the essay readable, with sentences that make sense? (40 points)

Demonstrated Competency: Does the reflect the students ability to find and use relevant and credible sources in support of the presentation? A bibliography of sources used must be included, and citations reflecting the use of those sources should be included in the body of the essay through a system of footnotes or endnotes in accordance with the style sheet noted below (60 points)