Identify one relevant theory or concept we covered in class that is related to Mark Zuckerberg as a leader and/or Facebook as an organization.

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Identify one relevant theory or concept we covered in class that is related to Mark Zuckerberg as a leader and/or Facebook as an organization.

Question Description

1.Identify one relevant theory or concept we covered in class that is related to Mark Zuckerberg as a leader and/or Facebook as an organization. Describe in which way this theory is relevant to the case. Support your answer.

2.Apply one principle or concept from Good to Great that is relevant to what Facebook or Zuckerberg did or should have done. You can use anything in the book, even if we haven’t discussed it yet.

3.Identify a few key stakeholders in this case and illustrate their differing perspectives. (We will cover stakeholder theory on 5/2).

4.Mention something that you feel is important to this case from a leadership or organizational perspective that wasn’t asked about in the above questions.