Increasing paternity leave take-up rates: A review of the effects of this phenomenon on HR practices within the higher education sector

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Increasing paternity leave take-up rates: A review of the effects of this phenomenon on HR practices within the higher education sector

Example human resource management dissertation topic 12:

Increasing paternity leave take-up rates: A review of the effects of this phenomenon on HR practices within the higher education sector

Paternity leave has benefited from a higher profile in recent years, particularly given the example set by David Cameron after the birth of his most recent child. This study will look at the adoption rates of paternity leave in a sector not yet widely examined but which should be capable of supporting such a provision. Additionally, an increased rate of take-up of paternity leave in the higher education sector should improve the awareness of the importance of paternity within an upcoming generation of professionals. This dissertation will undertake primary research through one-on-one interviews and surveys to determine the popularity of paternity, and conduct interviews with senior HR managers within the sector to gauge the practicality of the measure.

Suggested initial topic reading:

  • Altback, P.G., Reisberg, L., Yudkevich, M., Androuschak, G. and Pacheko, I.F. (2012) Paying the professoriate: A global comparison of compensation and contracts. London: Routledge.
  • Rege, M. and Solli, I.F. (2010) ‘The impact of paternity leave on long-term father involvement’. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3130. University of Stavanger.