Is accepting moral testimony uniquely problematic?

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Is accepting moral testimony uniquely problematic?

1. EITHER (a): ‘Current generations should leave future generations with a
standard of living that is no worse than the one that they themselves
enjoy.’ Discuss.
OR (b): Is the key challenge for environmental ethics convincing human
beings that they are custodians rather than owners of the earth?
2. Do non-human animals have ends? What, if anything, follows from our
answer to this question?
3. EITHER (a): May we eat our fellow creatures?
OR (b): Are dogs trustworthy?
4. ‘Torture would be wrong even if nobody thought so. Any theory which
suggests otherwise is mistaken.’ Discuss.
5. EITHER (a): Is there anything distinctively difficult about attaining ethical
OR (b): Does neuroscience have anything useful to tell us about
6. Is accepting moral testimony uniquely problematic?
7. ‘It is impossible to think of anything at all in the world […] that could be
taken to be good without limitation, except a good will’ (KANT). Discuss.
8. To have moral worth, an action must be done ‘not from inclination, but
from duty’ (KANT). Is this true?
9. When, if ever, is it rational to trust?
10.Is it an instance of epistemic injustice if I dismiss the vaccine sceptic’s
11.Are there true beliefs that it is morally wrong to hold?