It is possible to live in a way that is entirely consistent with Carvaka philosophy

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December 30, 2022
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December 30, 2022

It is possible to live in a way that is entirely consistent with Carvaka philosophy


From the list below, select one thesis to write on. You can agree with the thesis or disagree with the thesis; however your response to the thesis, you will need to provide good reasons for your position.

In general, each thesis has its supporters and opponents—identify them, and make sure you understand their arguments. Then borrow, critique, and invent arguments to support your position.

Your paper should (a) clearly communicate your position, (b) clearly summarize and communicate the positions and arguments of at least two, contrasting schools, (c) make good use of the relevant course readings (required and suggested), and (d) raise and respond to at least one strong objection to your position and/or argument.

The first draft of this assignment should probably be around 2-3 pages in length; the second and final draft should be around 4 pages in length.

(1) “It is possible to live in a way that is entirely consistent with Carvaka philosophy.”

(2) “If we do not perceive something, then we can justifiably conclude that it does not exist.”

(3) “Adopting an early Indian Buddhist attitude towards testimony would be good for society.”

(4) “The elimination of suffering, according to early Indian Buddhism, requires the elimination of all desires and emotions.”

(5) “There is empirical evidence for the existence of Atman.”

(6) “We perceive wholes (avayavi), not simply aggregates.”