The U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989

Literary Analysis of “Why You Reckon?” by Langston Hughes
December 30, 2022
It is possible to live in a way that is entirely consistent with Carvaka philosophy
December 30, 2022

The U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989


Write a 2 page essay on some aspect of the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989. Be sure to focus on how this event affected the relations between the U.S. and Panama.

  • Event Background. What other events may have led to this event.
  • What was the problem/issue/conflict that made the event something that we would look at now?
  • How was the problem/issue/conflict resolved – or was it? What alternatives solutions were available? Who were the major participants in the event and who were the participants who contributed to the solution?
  • Results. What were the consequences of implementing the solution?
  • Future. What impact do you believe the results and their consequences have had on the development of the country and of the identity of people in the country?
  • Summary. Summarize the entire event. What do you think could have happened differently that might have resulted in a different (better?) outcome?