Personal Philosophy in Nursing

Psychosocial health
January 7, 2023
The aging process
January 7, 2023

Personal Philosophy in Nursing

Personal Philosophy
Nursing involves incorporating both scientific and liberal arts knowledge in practice and
education to enable professionals not just to treat, but also to care for people satisfactorily.
Nursing education and placement aim to equip learners with the information and experience they
need to practice professionally in healthcare settings. Through education and placement
experiences, people develop the philosophies that guide them through their professional
development. Like my peers, I have also been affected by my education and experiences to be an
excellent nurse. The reflection will focus on my philosophy and describe my nursing
metaparadigm and the impacts of my education and experiences on my nursing beliefs.
Nursing Metaparadigm
The concept of person refers to the individuals who seek are from nurses. Persons in my
view are capable of deciding and are rational because of their capacity to independently think.
Persons seek healthcare when they need more care than they can give themselves. Also, persons
have several dimensions that all affect care delivery. For instance, persons have a soul and
therefore, they have a connection to the spiritual dimension (Delikta et al., 2019). Therefore, the
spirituality and beliefs of people impact their health and must be considered to ensure that care is
respectful. When caring for persons, aspects like the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects
must all be considered and respected because they are all part of the person. Persons are also
protected by laws and therefore, their rights must be provided for by professionals. For instance,
competent persons must give informed consent for treatment to happen. Also, their autonomy
must be guaranteed for the relationship with nurses to be effective.