Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Persuasive speech
January 4, 2023
Intervention Planning and Ethical Considerations
January 4, 2023

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a form of psychiatric disorder noticeable
among people who have gone through some life-threatening, scary or traumatizing event like
an earthquake, rape, terror attack, or even being molested. People suffering from the
condition never seem to fully get over the possibility that traumatized them, as seen in how
frightened and stressed they feel even when they are not exposed to any danger. PTSD makes
someone feel like they will never have their everyday life again. Still, there is hope since the
application of either medication or psychotherapy initiates the process towards a cure.
Treating PTSD more effectively is done by applying the two methods simultaneously so that
all the needs and symptoms of the patient are fully addressed (Lewis et al., 2020). PTSD
patients going through trauma require a more specialized form of treatment that entails
addressing the traumatic situation first and then the needs and symptoms.
Medication and psychotherapy are effective ways of treating PTSD as they factor in