Rewrite the eval function in continuation passing style (CPS)

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March 21, 2023
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March 21, 2023

Rewrite the eval function in continuation passing style (CPS)

Compiler Construction (TGG)
Consider the following simple evaluator for a language of expressions written in
type expr =
| Integer of int (* integer *)
| Pair of expr * expr (* pair *)
| Apply of string * expr (* apply a named function *)
type value =
| INT of int
| PAIR of value * value
(* eval : expr -> value *)
let rec eval = function
| Integer n -> INT n
| Pair (e1, e2) -> PAIR (eval e1, eval e2)
| Apply (f, e) -> eval_function(f, eval e)
In this code the function eval function has type string * value -> value and
is used to evaluate some “built in” functions. For example,
eval_function(“add”, PAIR(INT 10, INT 7))
could return the value INT 17.
(a) Rewrite the eval function in continuation passing style (CPS) to produce a
function eval cps so that the function
let eval_2 e = eval_cps (fun x -> x) e
will produce the same results as the function eval. [10 marks]
(b) Eliminate higher-order continuations from your eval cps function. That is,
introduce a data type cnt to represent continuations and write functions of
eval_cps_dfn : cnt -> expr -> value
apply_cnt : cnt * value -> value
eval_3 : expr -> value
using the technique of defunctionalisation. Note that functions eval cps dfn
and apply cnt will be mutually recursive. [10 marks]