Discuss the merits of this idea. Is it always correct?

The derivation of “stack machines” using the CPS transformation
March 21, 2023
Rewrite the eval function in continuation passing style (CPS)
March 21, 2023

Discuss the merits of this idea. Is it always correct?

Compiler Construction (tgg22)
(a) Suppose we are writing a compiler for an ML-like language and we want to
employ the equation
(map f l1) @ (map f l2) = map f (l1 @ l2)
as a left-to-right rewrite rule for optimisation. The symbol @ represents list
Discuss the merits of this idea. Is it always correct? If so, state clearly what
assumptions you are making about @ and map. [5 marks]
(b) A compiler’s front-end will often expand some syntactic constructs into lowerlevel representations. Consider the following fragment for the abstract syntax
of a SLANG-like language.
type var = string
type exp =
(* abstract syntax *) (* concrete syntax *)
| Var of var (* x *)
| Project of int * exp (* proj i e *)
| Tuple of exp list (* (e1, e2, …, en) *)
| Let of var * exp * exp (* let x = e1 in e2 *)
| Apply of exp * exp (* e1 e2 *)
| Function of var * arg_pattern * exp (* fun f p = e *)
and arg_pattern =
| APvar of var (* x *)
| APtuple of arg_pattern list (* (p1, p2, … pn) *)
This language has general projections for n-tuples so
proj i (e1, e2, · · · , ek)
will evaluate to vi
, the value of ei
. If i is not in the range between 1 and k there
will be a run-time error.
In this language we can write functions with simple (possibly nested) patterns
for function arguments:
fun f (a, b, (c, (d, e)) = b a
[continued . . . ]
Now suppose we want our front-end to eliminate such patterns. That is, we
want to write a function of type
eliminate_tuple_patterns : exp -> exp
so that the resulting expression contains functions with patterns only of the form
APvar x for some (new) variable x. For example, the code for f above should
be translated to a semantically equivalent expression of the form
fun f x = …
that contains only simple variable arguments (that is, only APvar patterns in
the abstract syntax).
Your task is to write this function in OCaml. You can assume that you have a
function for generating fresh variable strings.
new_var : unit -> string
[15 marks]