The derivation of “stack machines” using the CPS transformation

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March 21, 2023

The derivation of “stack machines” using the CPS transformation

Compiler Construction (tgg22)
This question involves the derivation of “stack machines” using the CPS transformation.
(a) Consider the following OCaml code of type
add_right : int list -> int
that returns the sum of the integers in its argument list.
let rec add_right l =
match l with
| [] -> 0
| h::tl -> h + (add_right tl);;
Explain why this code, as presented, is not tail recursive. [2 marks]
(b) Use the CPS transformation to rewrite add_right to a function that could be
given the type
add_right_cps : int list -> (int -> int) -> int
[6 marks]
(c) Apply defunctionalisation to your code for add_right_cps. That is, define a
(non-functional) data type cnt and a transformed function add_right_dfc of
add_right_dfc : int list -> cnt -> int
[6 marks]
(d) The function add_right from Part (a) could be generalised to the following
let rec fold_right f l accu =
match l with
| [] -> accu
| a::l -> f a (fold_right f l accu);;
For simplicity, we will treat this code as if it had the type
fold_right : (int -> int -> int) -> int list -> int -> int
and not worry about polymorphism. Rewrite this program using the CPS
transformation. Justify your treatment of the variable f. What problems might
you encounter in attempting to defunctionalise your CPS version? [6 marks]