Santiago and the old man talk about the book Santiago is reading

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Santiago and the old man talk about the book Santiago is reading


Please take this assignment if you have read of The Alchemist. ——-And the page mark on the file which i provided is different with the requirements.

On page 18, Santiago and the old man talk about the book Santiago is reading. The old man says, “It describes people’s inability to choose their own Personal Legends. And it ends up saying that everyone believes the world’s greatest lie.”What is the world’s greatest lie? – The boy asked, completely surprised. – It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.”That’s never happened to me,” -the boy said. – “They wanted me to be a priest, but I decided to become a shepherd.”Prompt:Taking into consideration the above dialogue, reflect on your choices in life, especially in education, as compared to Santiago’s choices in his life. Questions to consider: How did you choose your major/career? Was it a free choice like Santiago’s, or did you feel you had little control in the matter? Did anyone or anything influence you in your decision? Are you satisfied with your choice of major (especially now that you are almost done with your college education)?

More than 450 words please.the_alchemist.pdf