Was Ramsey right to think there is ‘no separate problem of truth’?

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April 4, 2023
Should epistemic peers suspend judgment where they disagree?
April 4, 2023

Was Ramsey right to think there is ‘no separate problem of truth’?

1. EITHER: (a) ‘The horse Bucephalus is an object, while the concept
horse is a concept’. Why did Frege disagree? Was he right?
OR: (b) Can axioms succeed as implicit definitions?
2. EITHER: (a) Was Frege correct to ascribe cardinal numbers to concepts
rather than to ‘external things’?
OR: (b) Does it matter whether Julius Caesar is a natural number or not?
3. ‘It is clear, however, that “A believes that p”, “A has the thought p”, and
“A says p” are of the form “‘p’ says p”.’ (TLP, 5.542) Discuss.
4. EITHER: (a) How realist is the Tractatus?
OR: (b) ‘All propositions are of equal value.’ (TLP, 6.4) Discuss.
5. What are Russellian sense data? Can they be used as a basis for
explaining our knowledge of the external world?
6. Why did Russell adopt the multiple relation theory of judgment? Was he
right to do so?
7. Was Ramsey right to think there is ‘no separate problem of truth’?
8. Can Russell’s Gray’s Elegy argument be made to work against the
Fregean notion of sense?
9. Compare the views on the particular/universal distinction of two or more
of the authors set for this paper.
10.Compare the views on identity of two or more of the authors set for this