What, if anything, is wrong with Moore’s proof of an external world?

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What, if anything, is wrong with Moore’s proof of an external world?

1 What is ‘internal realism’? Is it the most that a realist can hope to defend?
2 Either (a) Might there be thinkers whom we cannot interpret?
Or (b) Do conceptual schemes organize experience, fit it, or something
else again?
3 Do we need a theory of universals?
4 Either (a) Is there a defensible counterfactual analysis of event-causation?
Or (b) What role, if any, must probabilistic notions play in our theory of
5 Either (a) Could McTaggart’s argument for the unreality of time be applied
to the case of space?
Or (b) ‘There were exactly eight kings of England named Henry.’ What
makes this true, according to presentism?
6 What, if anything, is wrong with Moore’s proof of an external world?
7 Do transcendental arguments provide a satisfactory response to scepticism about
the external world?
8 Either (a) What, if anything, do the results of commissurotomy operations
(brain bisections) tell us about the self?
Or (b) Is there any essential connection between bodily identity and
personal identity?
9 Either (a) Can you speak of your own mental states with more authority than
others can? If so, why?
Or (b) What more is there to consciousness than being able to think
about one’s own thoughts?
10 ‘Imaginative re-creation of others’ thought may be a useful tool in coming to know
their minds but is far from essential to such knowledge.’ Discuss.
*11 Either (a) ‘The fact that the elements of a picture are related to one another
in a determinate way represents that things are related to one
another in the same way’ (Tractatus, 2.15). Discuss.
Or (b) What is Wittgenstein’s argument in the Tractatus that there are
simple objects? Is the argument correct?
*12 Either (a) ‘The subject does not belong to the world but it is a limit of the
world’ (Tractatus, 5.632). Discuss.
Or (b) Was the author of the Tractatus a transcendental idealist?