What is Political Philosophy? By Leo Strauss

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What is Political Philosophy? By Leo Strauss

What is Political Philosophy? By Leo Strauss
The importance of political philosophy is as evident in recent times as previously.
Political philosophy aims to change to the best by encouraging good political actions. Moreover,
political philosophy directs individuals towards the good while providing knowledge about
political activities. Political philosophy emerges when men are driven to understand how to live
a good life and do good in society. Therefore, political philosophy refers to a branch of
philosophy that seeks to provide universal knowledge and opinion as a whole. The universal
understanding of political philosophy includes knowledge of God, man, the world, and nature at
Further, philosophy is the quest for the truth rather than the truth itself. Political
philosophy seeks to replace the opinion of political things and how such things are subject to
human approval or dissaprova1, allegiance or judgment, praise or blame. Their standard of
goodness or justice measures political items.
The Problem of Political Philosophy
Political philosophy attempts to address the good and bad of political things in equal
measure. Political philosophy assumes that the nature of political things is that they have
opinions. Alternatively, political philosophy calls for coherent reflection in political things. The
attributes of political goal are that it is ambiguous and comprehensive. Political philosophy
implies that the complete characteristics of the political objective should be resisted to focus on
the whole situation of political things. In recent times, political philosophy has been on the verge
of collapsing because ofits nature of questionable form. The only tangible form of political

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philosophy that is still useful is history. According to Strauss, political philosophy is dead since
the discipline has lost all the honesty and dignity that came with it. Social scientists believe that
political philosophy has become unscientific, unhistorical, or both. Political philosophy revolves
around present-day positivism. Present-day positivism has become ethically neutral, meaning it
does not define the good or the bad in political things. The more indifference state social
scientists develop within themselves, the more difficult it becomes to counteract dangerous
political influences. Social scientists argue that social science is necessary regardless of whether
social science is good for society.
Further, the social scientists believe they need to achieve their end by all means and that social
science is in itself a value from every human’s point of view. Social scientists aim to increase
their safety, prestige, income, and competent skills. Social scientists do not care aboutthe good
or the evil virtues. Social scientists can be dedicated to integrity and truth but ignore to follow
both virtues. Social science positivism has affected human values, as evident from how social
scientists behave. Therefore, it is essential to look at the theoretical disadvantages of social
science positivism in political philosophy.
Weaknesses of Social Science Positivism
The first weakness is the impossibility of social science positivism in studying social
phenomena without value judgments. Value judgments enter the social science discipline
through psychopathology. Value judgments should not be inevitable since the field of social
science presupposes that political things and non-political things need to be defined at any given
point. The second weakness is the assumption that the conflicts between value systems are
dependent on essentially insoluble human reasons. There is no primary proof for this assumption.

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According to Max Weber, the greatest positivism of social science is the insolubility of
value conflicts. Max further encourages social scientists to have the human nobility to ensure the
assertions between rights and wrong are met. The third weakness is that scientific knowledge is
considered the highest form of human knowledge. Social science studies presuppose that pre-
scientific knowledge cannot be acquired in class but instead proven with scientific proof. The
fourth weakness is positivism more often transforms to historicism. Social science can be
converted to engage in cross-cultural research wherein social science can miss the general
meaning of other cultures. Strauss advises social scientists to avoid this kind of danger by
understanding the different cultures the same way they know their culture. Historical
understanding of other cultures becomes the basis of th