What three goals would you set for yourself on a future

Narrative Literature
December 29, 2022
Domestic Violence and trauma
December 29, 2022

What three goals would you set for yourself on a future


1- What three goals would you set for yourself on a future project based on what you learned in the Capstone class (think about skills to be developed, working on or creating a project that feeds your passion, knowledge development, etc.)? (Your response should contain two paragraphs per goal.)

2- What three discoveries did you make while working in a team that you might not have learned if you had worked alone? (Your response should contain one paragraph per discovery.)

3- Explain at least three the challenges/realizations in developing and implementing a viable project? (Provide one paragraph per challenge or realization.)

4- What skills or knowledge from your General Education preparation benefitted you the most in the Capstone work? (Provide examples from at least 3 classes and include 2 paragraphs per class.)**

** General Education classes I have taken are

1- Discovery Civics (IGED 280)

Discovery Civics seminars are 3‐credit Interdisciplinary General Education courses that give students the opportunity to practice good citizenship. The goal of these courses is teach students to understand the importance of civic responsibility and demonstrate the ability to engage in teamwork and community service. Students study the role and impact of the institutional structures, powers, and practice of government at all governmental levels. They learn about the rights, liberties, and intrinsic value of all persons living in a free society.

2- Discovery Diversity (IGED 270)

Discovery Diversity seminars are 3‐credit Interdisciplinary General Education courses that focus on exposing students to the rich diversity of our city and the world. The goal of these courses is teach students to understand and appreciate the global and local diversity of people, ideas, languages, and cultures. Students examine diverse social groups and compare cultural variations among them. They learn to identify and critique ideas and behaviors based on stereotypes, as well as recognize cues that signal intercultural misunderstanding.

3- Discovery Writing (IGED 210)

Discovery Writing seminars are 3‐credit Interdisciplinary General Education courses that focus on improving students’ critical reading and writing skills while exploring a given academic theme.The goal of these courses is to teach students how to read and write with skill and ease. Students learn to express ideas and thoughts using a range of written forms that consider content, audience, and professional standards. They study a variety of graphic and textual material using multiple approaches to reading, interpretation, and comprehension.