What Type Of Personality Disorder Does Rob Seem To Be Displaying?

The COVID-19 pandemic
January 9, 2023
Personal Fitness and Wellness
January 9, 2023

What Type Of Personality Disorder Does Rob Seem To Be Displaying?

What Type Of Personality Disorder Does Rob Seem To Be Displaying?
Rob seems to be displaying an antisocial kind of personality disorder. The general trait of
this disorder is an absence of concern towards people’s outlooks. The underlying characteristic
creates greater issues with authority, communal regulations, and learning from experience.
Antisocial personality kinds are regularly excessively violent, reckless, bad-tempered, and lack
guilt. Whereas these individuals are great at socializing seemingly, many of their associations are
short-term. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder fail to observe society’s rules, are
dishonest and threatening within relations, and are insensitive to their rights. The outlook creates
a tendency to abuse others. These individuals take advantage of others’ equality, and they sense
unresponsive to the disapproval of their wounded. As illustrated, Rob is arrested for attacking a
coworker in their place of work. The police are called Rob verbally argue with a female
colleague; he pushed the colleague extremely forcefully against a wall, making her fall
(Lambertus et al. 2018). The co-worker, Janice, and other office workers confirmed that Rob had
threatened her in several incidents. Rob seems abusive in their conversation with Collen; he ends
it by saying that last occasion he was hospitalized, the nurses were all idiots. Rob is also noticed
as heartless toward his other colleagues and other patients along the hospital floor. Persons
having antisocial personality disorder opt to act rashly, break the rules, lie, and lack
consideration for their safety and other’s safety. As Rob lies, he pushed the lady as she insulted
him regarding receiving the promotion and claimed he was under so much stress though he did
not seem to be experiencing any depression. Rob claims that the lady is jealous that he performs
incredibly than the lady does. As they were both up towards a promotion previously, Rob claims
that the lady spread awful lies concerning him in acquiring the promotion. Persons having