Why did many Americans criticize the Mexican War? How did they see expansion as a threat to American liberties?

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The main reason the Federalist forever lost control of the national government in 1800 was that they had little trust in the people”
July 6, 2021

Why did many Americans criticize the Mexican War? How did they see expansion as a threat to American liberties?

Question Description

i have an assignment of History of United State

for the answers and information you can read the book that we used (( Give Me Liberty! )) Chapter 13

the question from this chapter

1) Why did many Americans criticize the Mexican War? How did they see expansion as a threat to American liberties?

2) How did western expansion affect the sectional tensions between the North and the South?

3) How did the market revolution contribute to the rise of the Republican Party? How did those economic and political factors serve to unite groups in the Northeast and in the Northwest, and why was that unity significant?