According to the Buddha, what is the cause of suffering?

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According to the Buddha, what is the cause of suffering?


1. According to the Buddha, what is the cause of suffering? What is the solution to that problem? Explain.

2. According to Lucretius, nature only asks two things for us. What are these two things? What kinds of things does nature NOT ask for?

3. At the very beginning of “The Handbook”, Epictetus makes a distinction between two kinds of things. What is this distinction and how is it relevant to living a good life? Explain.

4. In sections 2-8 of “The Handbook”, Epictetus talks about our desires and our aversions, and he gives some advice about what we should DO with our desires and aversions. What is his advice?

5. The Buddha, Lucretius, and Epictetus all offer advice that is similar. What is the similarity? What are they all saying?

(I will attach all readings to answer the questions. Please answer the entirety of the question in satisfaction of question. Thanks!)

Read the following pages from The Good Life:

Page 73, and from the top of page 75 to the middle of page 76

Page 42 to the middle of page 45

Page 53 to the bottom of page 57