Different Types Teams in Health Care

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Different Types Teams in Health Care

Different Types Teams in Health Care
Teamwork in health care setting refers to the provision of health services to people, families
as well as their communities by at least two or more health providers. It employs rehearses of
collaboration and improved communication to magnify the traditional duties of health care
employees and to make decisions as a unit that operates towards a common objective. There are
different kinds of teams that work together to ensure the effective delivery of health services to
patients in health care (Minetti, 2011). The essential teams in health care are; labor and delivery,
the ICUs, primary care, multi-professional groups like multidisciplinary cancer care groups who
coordinate to ensure effective delivery of services.
The ‘TeamSTEPPS’ program established in U.S.A identifies a distinct number of
interconnected teams that support as well as deliver health care services. They include; Core teams,
which are teams that involve a group of leaders and members who are directly involved with the