The Claim that the Problem of Consciousness

Can mental representation or intentionality be explained in non-mental terms?
April 6, 2023
What kinds of thoughts, if any, can beings without a language have?
April 6, 2023

The Claim that the Problem of Consciousness

1 Do I get knowledge of my own mental states by observation? If so, by
observation of what?
2 ‘I can be mistaken in sincere self-attribution of belief, but not in a sincere
self-attribution of pain.’ Discuss.
3 ‘Knowledge of other minds is always inferential.’ Discuss.
4 Examine critically the claim that the problem of consciousness can be
solved by examining the features of the ‘phenomenal’ concepts we use to
think about consciousness.
5 How would you explain and defend the view that all consciousness is a
form of mental representation or intentionality?
6 Can we think about things that do not exist? If so, how is this possible?
7 ‘Only human beings can genuinely think, because only human beings
have language and genuine thought requires language.’ Discuss.
8 Are thoughts in the head?
9 Critically examine the view that indexical and demonstrative thought
plays an essential role in our thought and action.
10 ‘For a physicalist, only type-identity can secure the causal efficacy of the
mental.’ Discuss.
*11 ‘Are you not really a behaviourist in disguise? Aren’t you at bottom really
saying that everything except human behaviour is a fiction?’
(Philosophical Investigations §307). Explain why this question is being
asked and why Wittgenstein responds as he does.